by Elizabeth Diane | Jan 31, 2015 | CREATION, One, The Void, Uncategorized
The Void and the Paradox of Beginnings Nothing. Vast Void of empty nothing… … nada, zilch, zip. Not even a thought to think it. Not even an awareness to see the Void. Infinite. The paradox is that infinite potentials exist in this no-thing of a Void, and...
by Elizabeth Diane | Nov 24, 2014 | CREATION, One, Uncategorized
One is all inclusive. Deriving from the universal perspective of self, One is knowing oneself. To be in Oneness is the “hoop of life”. How can you be any other way? There is only one way to describe “be” when you include all that is. One...
by Elizabeth Diane | Oct 14, 2014 | CREATION, Two, Uncategorized
In the study of Sacred Geometry, there is a form that is said to give birth to all form. It is the shape of two coming together in perfect balance, with one “thread” connecting the heart of one to the other. It is also the symbol of Twin Flames...
by Elizabeth Diane | Dec 25, 2013 | CREATION, Four, One, Three, Uncategorized
The Christmas holiday is filled with symbolism and profound metaphysical meaning. When I was a child, my innocent mind knew there was something truly magical about it. It wasn’t till recently that I found renewed inspiration for Christmas through contemplating...
by Elizabeth Diane | Oct 10, 2013 | Platonic Solids, Uncategorized
There are only five. There can be no more in three-dimensional reality that fit the parameters of all equality inside of the sphere. They become the very basic patterns of all form. When you begin grouping them together, or slicing off their corners, new, more complex...