Elizabeth Diane | SGP Speaker
Opening the Sacred Geometry Portal to the secret patterns of nature, the cosmos and You!
Intersect with SGP via email:
Elizabeth Diane (Lisa) is available for Sacred Geometry classes, workshops, podcasts and events, also design and even ecstatic dance event DJ.
“Its amazing how all the dots start connecting themselves in your mind. This type of truth and knowledge speaks to me when I hear it or read it and it feels more like remembering something thats been locked away forever than learning something totally new, if that makes any sense. There is a deep peace that comes when you see why all of these things are happening and the overall divine comedy we are all playing our part in… Thank you so much for introducing me to this subject, it has already started to change my life, give me purpose, and is helping me to bring my light to others who are receptive to this knowledge. I’ve meditated in the past but nothing like how my meditations have been lately. I try to do my chakra mediations at least twice a day. It’s all just amazing, to think I used to believe in coincidence haha.”
Visit SGP on Patreon for a multidimensional selection of subscriptions with workshop and community offerings, coming soon.
With 30 years design experience in the fields of residential design, site planning and development, civil engineering, land surveying, graphic and WordPress website design, piano and music, dance teaching the “Architecture of the Cosmos” (Sacred Geometry), and even sand sculpting, Elizabeth Diane offers a unique set of experiences to draw from. She has a Bachelor of Arts with an emphasis in Ecological Design, Green Building Design, Art History and Furniture Design from The Evergreen State College. She also is the Designer/Owner of Lucid 9 Design. She is currently exploring and working with the Toltec energy and consciousness practices.

Sacred Geometry
- Drawing instruction
- 15 years experience
- Practice, meaning & application

I’m on most podcast platforms, so find me on your favorite listening station.
Listen in on the Sacred Geometry Portal Podcast
SGP is offering a podcast about the architecture of the cosmos, the patterns of nature and our connection to source and the divine.
I’ll have Monday Musings at 8 am Pacific time each Monday, and a Full Moon Interview with awesome humans who use or connect with sacred geometry in their work and lives. The monthly interviews will air on a Thursday near a full moon at Noon pacific time. The next Full Moon Interview will be Thursday, Oct 13th. The Monday Musings are 15-20 minutes of inspiration based on the sacred geometry showing up and grabbing my attention.
If you have any guests or topics you would like for me to cover, I’d love to hear from you!
Watch on New Earth One
Interview and presentation topics:
- Sacred Geometry (SG) basics
- Spirit, consciousness & brain science
- The Practice & its benefits
- Practical applications, such as arts & sciences
- Philosophy and SG
- Music’s relationsip to SG
- Truth & empowerment
- Relationships in SG
- SG patterns in nature
- Almost anything circles back to SG