Visit SGP on Patreon for a multidimensional selection of subscriptions with workshop and community offerings, coming soon.
Intersect with SGP via email:
Elizabeth Diane (Lisa) is available for Sacred Geometry classes, workshops, podcasts and events, also design and even ecstatic dance event DJ. Please use the form below for inquiries.

I’m on most podcast platforms, so find me on your favorite listening station.
Listen in on the Sacred Geometry Portal Podcast
SGP is offering a podcast about the architecture of the cosmos, the patterns of nature and our connection to source and the divine.
I’ll have Monday Musings at 8 am Pacific time each Monday, and a Full Moon Interview with awesome humans who use or connect with sacred geometry in their work and lives. The monthly interviews will air on a Thursday near a full moon at Noon pacific time. The next Full Moon Interview will be Thursday, Oct 13th. The Monday Musings are 15-20 minutes of inspiration based on the sacred geometry showing up and grabbing my attention.
If you have any guests or topics you would like for me to cover, I’d love to hear from you!